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We are now hosting live events in MTG Arena!
Here's how to play....



First you will need to download and run MTG Arena. If you haven't already done so, you should plan to spend about 30 minutes playing through the introductory sequence!


To play in Arena, you will also need to create a new Wizards account. This can be linked to your Organized Play (DCI) account if you use the same email address for both.  More information 



We use Discord to host each event, post pairings, collect results, and announce winners. We also will talk there about new cards, old cards, deck ideas, and all kinds of other fun topics! We recommend you join us in the #mtg channel to be a part of the conversation!

Android users may also see pairings and post results directly using the MTG Companion app, available in the Google Play Store.


EVent ticket

The only other thing you will need is a ticket, even for free events, showing that you've registered for the event itself.

You can register and purchase your ticket in our web store.  Be sure to select the correct event, enter your Arena email address and Discord name, and you are ready to play!

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